Family Court Order Prohibits Protective Mother from Attending her Brother’s Funeral
The court order sought by my ex-husband and abuser, denying me visitation privileges in 1999, also created complications in July 2009.
I was not permitted to attend my own brother’s funeral in The Dalles, Oregon.
Sadly, my brother, Don Hall, and his girlfriend died in a tragic plane accident July 8, 2009.
My brother’s pastor reported that my ex-husband was attending the funeral, as well as my younger children. According to the Oregon Court Order, I could be arrested for attending the funeral due to being in the same vicinity of my younger children - a violation of Judge Paula Brownhill’s court orders. I emailed the pastor my eulogy for my brother’s service.
Another complication was the fact that I lived under a "state address protection program" from my ex-husband, Mr. Marty Warner, Independence, Oregon.
I believe the courts and churches that are so adamant in punishing women who seek safety have not yet realized the long term ramifications for the victim. As a child, I could not have imagined that Court Orders, due to my ex-husband’s wrath, would prevent me from adequately grieving for the loss of my only brother and sibling. Only in America!
Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey." - Coral Anika Theill, Bonshea Making Light of the Dark
This cruel chapter of my life, regarding my brother's death and funeral, was very difficult to write about. I could never have imagined this happening while I was growing up. The family courts continue to add injury upon injury.