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Breaking the Silence & "Telling Secrets Takes Courage: Tina Turner Became the Light She Ra

Breaking the silence and “telling secrets” takes courage. A few years ago, I believed by sharing my truth and breaking my silence, my very life would be threatened.

I have spent long hours trying to make some sense of my life and have come to the conclusion that when horror overcomes us the only response possible is to remember what happened and tell the story.

"When the content of the story cannot resolve the irrationality of such

suffering of any suffering, the act of telling the story can be the one valid

moral response, the sole way to give what happened a meaning. Hopefully

in writing, telling the story, it can give the suffering ultimate significance and meaning to an experience of a destruction of meaning." –Robert H. Hopcke, There Are No Accidents

Once on the other side, (of our crisis), one must look back and throw down a footbridge, for followers to use. When you have "jumped outside of the given", there is an obligation to share with others what you learned. You must not only tell how you got there, but the process of survival as well. Someone must have the wisdom, courage and strength to live their truth fearlessly. That someone becomes "the living bridge.

I choose to become a living bridge.

“For many of us, telling the truth and coming off fear is like an addict coming off drugs. I believe the only way people can get through this fear is with the help of others who've also experienced it and come out on the other side. Imbalance of head and heart turns people into addicts. In energy terms, any behavior motivated by the fear of internal growth qualifies as an addiction.” –Dr. Christine Northrup, Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

Dr. Northrup writes, “In the past, millions of women healers and wise women, and the men who have supported them, have been killed for telling the truth. It is little wonder, given the collective history, especially of women, that we are afraid. I believe when we deny this fear or discount its presence in others, we only give it more power. We need not judge it in others or in ourselves, but acknowledge it and move toward healing.”

“When a person enters into the work of healing their body and speaking their truth, they must break through the collective field of fear and pain that is all around us and has been for the past five thousand years of dominator society. Rupert Sheldrake states that once a person steps outside of the given, breaks through a morphogenic field, it makes it easier for others to do the same by tapping into the new morphogenic field. This has been proven in setting world records. Once a world record has been broken, suddenly athletes all over the world begin breaking it.”

In his book, Walking Between the Worlds: The Science of Compassion, Greg Braden writes, "You must become that which you choose to have in your life. Someone must live a new truth first. Someone must have the wisdom to recognize the possibility, the courage to become the possibility and the strength to live that possibility as a reality. The reality must be lived among us, in a world that may not always support that truth. That someone becomes the living bridge. By anchoring the possibility of a greater expression of life into our grids, that possibility becomes available for the next one with a similar desire to rise above the conditions of that which life has offered them, then for the next and the next and so on."

Singer, Tina Turner, is a beautiful example of someone who stepped “outside of the given” into a new morphogenic field. Her deep spirituality has inspired me and her example has encouraged me in times of crisis. In energetic terms, she has become the light she radiates.

“Women and men all over the planet are finding the courage to break through the collective morphogenic fields of shame, fear, and pain. People are breaking the silence—releasing secrets that keep all of us trapped.

"People are saying, “No, more.” By doing this people are changing the morphogenic field of fear and silence.”—Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, by Dr. Christine Northrup

I believe to heal from our trauma, we must be able to tell the absolute truth and face it squarely. Alienation from our memories dooms us to live in a constant present, cut off from the past and the future. I have remembered and am ready now to share my memories, my healing, and my process of "making light of the dark." I remember so I can help others see that they can help themselves.

Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel writes, "What does it mean to remember? It is to live in more than one world, to prevent the past from fading and to call upon the future to illuminate it. It is to revive fragments of existence, to rescue lost beings, to cast harsh light on faces and events, to drive back the sands that cover the surface of things, to combat oblivion and to reject death."

If violence cannot be talked about, it cannot be stopped. I truly believe more victims would be willing to share their pain, fear and shame if they could expect to be believed, respected and vindicated.

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