Coral Anika Theill
Author, Advocate, Speaker & Reporter

Coral's 100% Pure Beeswax Candles & Keepsakes Catalog
Over 300 Designs Available
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Coral's Beeswax Candles & Keepsakes was created by Coral Anika Theill out of hope, a passion for life and people and a desire to create pure and lovely treasures for the home. Coral's Beeswax Candles & Keepsakes are all hand poured of 100% Pure Beeswax, the oldest and purest wax in the world. The candles are drip less, smokeless and non-toxic. They burn 2 to 3 times longer than paraffin candles (approximately 2 to 3 hours per ounce). Each ornament and candle emits a sweet, honey scent.
I have over 300 beeswax candle and ornament designs available and collect molds from all over the world. Many of my designs are from Germany and Austria or are made from antiques. In the late 1800's handcrafted wax ornaments were very much a part of our Christmas tradition. It is traditional in Germany to decorate Christmas trees with wax ornaments. Coral's Pure Beeswax Keepsakes and ornaments are also translucent, will not melt and will last forever. The melting point for beeswax is 142 degrees.
I purchase my beeswax directly from local beekeepers. I use 100% pure cotton wicks. Large candle companies in the United States are purchasing their beeswax from China. They admit that there are 10% to 50% of paraffin and other toxic ingredients in the beeswax they are receiving from China. Their candles also do not have the beautiful color of pure beeswax or the natural aroma of honey. In America, companies can put a pure beeswax label on a candle that is up to 50% of added ingredients.
In the late 1800's beeswax ornaments were used as a Christmas tree ornament. In Germany, it is still traditional to decorate their Christmas trees with wax ornaments. You can hang the "Keepsakes" (ornaments) on the walls as a decoration, or in the windows or display on a plate stand.
To clean 100% pure beeswax candles and ornaments wash with warm water or dust with soft cloth or nylon.
I accept credit cards or money orders. For catalog orders, email me at: coraltheill@hotmail.com

Benefits of Beeswax vs. Paraffin Candles
Pure Beeswax is one of nature's most perfect products. Prized since ancient times, fragrant beeswax candles burn longer and cleaner than ordinary wax candles. In fact, pure beeswax has the highest melting point of any known wax. Its slow, smokeless flame gives off more light and heat than other waxes and there's no dripping. Made by industrious honey bees from the nectar of flowers, beeswax has a sweet, natural fragrance all its own.
It might surprise you to know that paraffin is basically the grayish left over sludge produced by petroleum refineries. This paraffin residue is bleached with toxic chemicals and then used to mass produce your average candle. Paraffin waxes contain aromatic compounds which are released when a candle is burned. These compounds have been proven to be carcinogenic. As paraffin wax burns it creates a black soot that coats your walls ceilings and lungs. This petro-soot is as harmful as second-hand tobacco smoke.
Many paraffin candles are made with wicks that contain lead or zinc, which, when burned pose yet another health hazard. I only use only 100% pure cotton wicks. Some paraffin candles emit such hazardous pollutants as acetone, benzene and lead. These harmful substances impair the quality of indoor air. Pure Beeswax candles burn cleaner and drips less than those made with paraffin wax (the fumes of which have also caused kidney and bladder tumors in laboratory animals). If you have noticed sooty deposits in your house, paraffin wax candles may be at fault. Paraffin wax burns away much quicker than beeswax nullifying any price disparity.
New Designs - Artist - Coral Anika Theill
I have several new candles that are not yet pictured in my new catalog.
3 lighthouse candles
.............................$4.00, $8.00 and $28.00
Large Sea Candle...........................$24.00
Box Turtle Candle..........................................$17.00
Floating Sun candle..........................$11.00
Pillbox candle....................................$11.00
Santa and Reindeer candle .............$8.00
Floating snowflake candle................$6.00
Large Round Rustic Fern candle....$23.00
Large Pillar Rustic Fern candle.......$29.00 Emergency candle 7" high...............$10.00
Tea Light candles.............................$1.50
Large Rose Candle..........................$11.00
Small Rose Candle...........................$6.00
Lily of the Valley Pillar Candle.........$28.00
Motif Design Pillar Candle...............$28.00
Small Motif Design Candle..............$17.00
Rose Design Candle........................$17.00
Honeycomb Keepsakes
Antique Collectibles
Wheat & Flower Plaque.................. $18.00 Made from an early 1800's Italian
Jewelry box bronze lid
Floral Ornament Plaque........$18.00
Made from a late 1800's jewelry box lid (*See photo below)
Antique Egg candle........................$18.00
Made from an African carved rock
Antique Victorian Heart....................$7.00
Made from a late 1800's butter mold
Celtic Cross candle...............................$19.00
Made from an original 1500's Celtic Cross
Large Bavarian Heart ornament............$17.00 Made from an antique German wood carving
Madonna and Child ornament..............$16.00 Made from an antique German wood carving
Victorian Standing Rabbit candle..........$11.00
Made from a turn of the century
chocolate mold
