*WATCH Coral Anika Theill's February 13, 2021 Interview with hosts Sean Prophet and Christophe Difo from the Secular Radical Podcast....

Family Court Watch Nov. 2, 2017 for Rape Victim Coral Anika Theill: Polk County Oregon
Please join me Nov. 2, 2017, 10:00 am with positive thoughts. It is my hope that the Honorable Monte Campbell, Polk County Circuit Court...

Court Sanctioned Kidnapping via Family Court: Happy Birthday Zachary
Today, the only “mask” I wear (pretending to be stronger than I really am in regards to the abrupt loss of my eight children) is...

I Want Emancipated from my Abuser Marty Warner: Escaped & Hunted
"A victim's first scream is for help; a victim's second scream is for justice." (Independence, Oregon) Every year Americans celebrate...

OPEN LETTER: Alienated Protective Mother Shares Her Story with Kalie Cannon - The Handmaid's Tale
"It takes a powerful person to cry out despite those who'd prefer the convenience of silence. It takes a fearless person to allow their...

Mother of 8 Battered & Raped in the Name of 'God': Open Letter to Oregon Governor Brown
This Letter is Dedicated to Mothers of Lost Children & the Children Who Were Alienated from their Protective Moms Dear Governor Brown,...

Protective Mom Finds Her Voice in Judge Norblad's Courtroom: No More Fear
What I Said to the Judge Who Took Away my Baby & Children Coral Theill on the witness stand in Circuit Court - Questioned by Judge Albin...

Independence Day: Celebration for Some...Mass Delusion for the Rest
Protective Mothers Deserve "Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness" by Coral Anika Theill Most individuals prefer not to hear the story...

Maternal Alienation is the Ultimate Hate Crime
We live in a society that is run by greed, fueled by sociopaths and adored by narcissists. Is it a wonder that so many good mothers are...